Le 27/12/2010 05:09, Colin Campbell disait :
On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 18:09 +0100, Jean-Charles Malahieude wrote:
Something has become buggy since version 2.12.3 and I don't know how to debug 

\book {
    \label #'firstScore         %% page 1
    \score {
        \mark A \label #'markA  %% page 2
        c'1 \label #'markTheEnd %% page 2

    \markup { The first score begins on page \page-ref #'firstScore "0" "?" }
%% prints page 1
    \markup { Mark A is on page \page-ref #'markA "0" "?" }
%% prints page 1
    \markup { Finish line on page \page-ref #'markTheEnd "0" "?" }
%% prints page 2

This looks like issue 884 "pageBreak resets PageCount property", which
had been marked fixed in 2.13.35.  I've tested it against 2.12.3 and
2.13.44 and confirmed the regression, so I re-opened issue 884.

May I guess that it is due to \mark falling before the first note event
is generated?


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