Comment #5 on issue 1663 by Images missing on web site

I have been looking into the build system, and to a first approximation it's the same for web, notation, etc. However, the web files are the ONLY files that use the 2 macros @imageId and @imageFloat. The definitions of these include:

<img class="float-\POSITION\" src="../pictures/\IMAGE-FILE\.\EXT\" alt="\IMAGE-FILE\">
@end html


<div id="\ID\">
  <img src="../pictures/\IMAGE-FILE\.\EXT\" alt="\ALT\">
@end html

See the ../pictures? That's _exactly_ the error above. I think you can compile docs about 100 times faster than me? Delete the ../ from the 2 defs in common-macros.itexi and I'll wager an excess postage charge that the problem will disappear.

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