Am Samstag, 16. Juli 2011, 01:31:05 schrieb Ken Kellogg-Smith:
> 1.  .ly source code:   Internal measure numbering errors beginning at
> (jEdit) line 30 et. seq.
> musicxml2ly's measure numbering routine made two related discrepancies:
>      (1) at line 30: measure #1 was identified as measure number #2,
>      (2) at line 36: the measure number was duplicated (measure number "5"
> repeated).

Both are no bugs. The measure number printed is always the number of the NEXT 
following measure. The reason is that you can then easily replace the " % " by 
"\barNumberCheck #".
And measure number 5 is not repeated for different measures. Rather, it is 
simply printed twice, once before the \mark and once after the mark, which is, 
however, at the same barline, so no discrepancy appears.

> 2.  .ly source code:  At (jEdit) line 61: the text "Fine" is incorrectly
> put in measure 22 instead of measure 21.
> This discrepancy directly impacted the appearance of the .pdf output file.

The problem is that the mxl file uses a simple text markup before a barline, 
while in LilyPond such text markups can only be attached to notes and the 
like. Thus, we have to wait for the next note to attach the markup.

Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

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