Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Documentation Priority-High

New issue 1811 by Revise warning re cueDuring font size

Reported by Paul Scott:
This is the first time I have used \cueDuring in 2.15.x.
In the following example the note size doesn't return to normal > after
the cue and the rests during the cue appear to be cue sized.

\version "2.15.8"

notesA = \relative c'' { a4 b c d e f g f e d c b }
\addQuote partA \notesA

notesB = \relative c'' { \cueDuring partA #UP { R1*2 } a4 b c d }

  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff \notesA
    \new Staff \notesB
Comment by Trevor:
There are many situations where contexts must
be created explicitly to avoid incorrect behaviour.
When this is not obvious they should be noted as
Warnings in the Notation Reference.  In the case of
\cueDuring the warning is given, but only as normal
text at the bottom of the first example of \cueDuring.
I think this should be elevated to a Warning.

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