Comment #2 on issue 982 by web big-html and pdf look bad

The image sizes on big-html are almost certainly fine, if the images were there at all - see Issue 1663. For the pdf, the images we create are too big to fit across one page of the PDF. The images are created by this:

$(outdir)/%-small.png: $(outdir)/%.png
        pngtopnm $< | pnmscale -w=600 | pnmtopng > $@

in Documentation/web/ly-examples/GNUmakefile.

The w=600 means they're 600 pixels wide, which is ~6" and is just too wide. To correct this would mean 2 changes: add a line to create a smaller image for the PDF; and check why thy appear so bad in the PDF anyway - they appear badly scaled up. I'm looking at this.

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