On Aug 16, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com> wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 16. August 2011, 04:30:34 schrieb Marnen Laibow-Koser:
>> 1 (partcombine-omits-quotes): When two quoted parts are \partcombined, only
>> one part's notes remain in the combined staff.  The "2 Flutes" staff should
>> have all the notes from the "Flute 1" and "Flute 2" staves; it does not.
> Part-combine does not work (and will probably never work) together with 
> quoting.
> The technical reason is that the part-combiner does its stuff at a very early 
> stage of lilypond, while the quoting takes place at a very late stage of a 
> lilypond run. 

How do you suggest dealing with this, then?  In orchestral scores, it is common 
to have parts both sharing a staff (\partcombine) and doubling other 
instruments (\quoteDuring).  If I can't use both these features together, it 
severely reduces the utility of Lilypond for typesetting orchestral scores. 

>> 2 (quotes-without-other-music): When there is no music in a staff except a
>> \quoteDuring, nothing is drawn. The "Flute" staff should be identical to
>> the "Violin" staff; it is not.
> That's another problem of automatic voice creation in Lilypond, i.e. in most 
> cases you don't need to write \new Voice, but lilypond will do that for you. 
> In this case, you will have to write \new Voice in the flute explicitly, 
> because otherwise lilypond will fail to create the voice for you.
> In particular, if you change your file to (notice the added \new Voice):
> staffFlute = \new Staff \new Voice {
>    \set Staff.instrumentName = "Flute"
>    \fluteNotes
> }
> then everything works just fine.

How is this not a bug?  Or is that not what you're saying?

> Cheers,
> Reinhold

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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