On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Reinhold Kainhofer
<reinh...@kainhofer.com> wrote:
> The issue is that the moment after the \tempo command does not have any grobs
> where the tempo could be attached to. As soon as you change the s1 to a note
> or rest, or if you have clef/key/timesig change at the same moment as the
> \tempo, the tempo mark can be reparented. But it seems that the engraver
> misses the case that there are no other grobs at the same moment as the \tempo
> change. In that case, the tempo mark should be reparented to the barline...

That would make it similar to RehearsalMarks, wouldn't it? I can't
think of any valid musical reason why

{ s1 \mark "bar" s1 }

should work and not

{ s1 \tempo "bar" s1 }

Thanks for the additional explanation!


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