On 9/4/11 9:04 AM, "David Kastrup" <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> lilyp...@googlecode.com writes:
>> Comment #3 on issue 1859 by reinhold...@gmail.com: let
>> \contextStringTunings affect only current context.
>> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1859
>> Good, so this bug seems really fixed.
> The way the code had been written originally, I suspect that it was
> written with a particular use case in mind. My guess would be that the
> side-effects were worse than the cure, but until we get an explicit
> report of the purported problem, I would prefer to have the code stick
> with the straightforward version that corresponds with both function
> name as well as documentation.
The use case was wanting to make sure that the TabStaff and the FretBoards
both used the same tuning to avoid the possibility of an error.
The current version is clearly better. No need to go back to try to
implement the old use case.
> Actually, I don't like the entire approach all too much, so I am
> currently working on making a define-scheme-function thingy that can
> take Lilypond arguments like define-music-function but produces not a
> music but a Scheme expression.
That would be much nicer than the current usage.
IMO, the best practice would be to do a \makeStringTuning, at the top of the
file, then as needed instantiate your TabStaff and FretBoards contexts with
the named string tuning.
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