On Oct 18, 2011, at 12:38 PM, lilyp...@googlecode.com wrote:

> Comment #13 on issue 1567 by pkx1...@gmail.com: Add documentation for 
> footnotes
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1567
> I'm making headway into documenting the auto and (I prefer) manual
> footnote commands.
> However, I'm coming across something I don't understand why it doesn't work.
> @lilypond[verbatim,quote,ragged-right,papersize=a8]
> \book {
> \markup {
>   \bold \italic { Poco a poco }
>   \footnote
>     \super 1
>     \italic "1. Little by little"
> }
> \relative c' {
> a'4\f( b8)[ e] c4_ \markup { \italic { rit. }
>   \footnote
>     \sub 2
>     \italic "2. Slow down"
>   }
> dis?4
> \breathe
> }
> }
> @end lilypond
> The first footnote works (I see the super 1 and the footnote itself)
> but the second I only see the \sub 2. No footnote "2. Slow down" is
> printed. I looked back at your explanation I pasted into
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1567
> and cannot see what the difference is apart from this being attached
> to note (as opposed to a grob).
> What am I doing wrong?

Hey James,

Sorry for dragging my feet on responding to this - I saw it come down the pipe 
when you first sent it but I've been in music up to my ears and have let a 
couple things slip.

Footnotes in markups only work with top level markups.

For the second one, you'd have to do \footnoteGrob #'TextScript etc..

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