Comment #7 on issue 2142 by accidental right-padding should depend on the tightness of music

Hmm? Accidentals' right-padding isn't calculated, it's a constant value. It doesn't depend on anything, as far as i know.

"The only way this could be pulled off in the current model of LilyPond is if the padding is set as the smaller of the two values and then the larger accidental is slotted in if there is enough room, but this is supposing that the height of the two accidentals are the same."

Yes, i think this should work.

I also think that Werner has a point. If i understand how Lily horizontal engine works, the solution would produce results like this:
(1) a Notecolumn which has constant width
(2) a spring between NoteColumn (1) and the accidental belonging to next NoteColumn (3) "accidentalColumn", something like a spring which minimal value equals width of narrow version of acidental and maximum value equal to width of normal version of accidental
(4) a spring between accidental (3) and NoteColumn (5) to which it belongs
(5) NoteColumn
It may not work perfectly, but the results should be good enough i think.

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