Comment #12 on issue 1948 by Windows install clobbered system PATH

I've spent quite a while looking at this today, and can report the following strange stuff.

When lily is installed, the installer writes the path to the binary to this registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\Path

which is indeed where windows stores the DOS PATH variable. If you do Control Panel... System... Advanced System Settings... Environment Variables you should see tae new value in the path env. variable. However, for some bizarre reason running a DOS box doesn't return that value - it returns the old one. You need to reboot to get Lilypond into the DOS box path variable. My experience is that this kind of behaviour is also replicated in the way Lily adds its path to the path statement - if you rarely reboot (like me) but install lily often (like me) you get a mishmash of lilypond path statements in the DOS path.

Anyway, I've also been installing and uninstalling like mad, and the other notable fact is that unistalling does not get rid of any registry changes installing created. It seems to me that this is the real bug - users can't expect to run path statements that are grossly long and have lily avoid the DOS problem of truncating them. However, if you install lots of versions of lily, it should keep adding to the path - our routine should be to tell users to uninstall the old version and install the new and then the major problem with go away.

Just noting this lot for reference - going to did into GUB to see what I can find there next.

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