
On 1 February 2012 20:06, Hans Aikema <hans.aik...@aikebah.net> wrote:
> When explicitly browsing to a specific-language version of the userguides the
> internal links link to the 'browser preferred language' version of the 
> Userguide
> rather than the currently displayed version
> E.g. when browsing to
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/learning/index.nl.html
> with an 'accepted languages most significant preference for English' language
> settings in the browser the displayed page is in Dutch, but all followed links
> lead to the English version of the documentation.
> One would expect that if a given page is in Dutch and the link-texts are in
> Dutch than the linked pages will also appear in Dutch.
> Allthough only a minor issue (can be resolved by modifying a browser's 
> preferred
> language sequence), it's still quite an annoyance when one surfs by default
> using English (because of the many poorly translated sites one wants to avoid)
> but with a google search arrives at the Dutch documentation pages to then be
> presented only links for English-language versions of the Documentation pages.


I think this is the tracker for this



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