Comment #8 on issue 2332 by Patch: make-engraver helper macro

Regarding comment #2: if problems like the ones you describe and which I resolved with tackling issue 1902 have been as close to your heart as you make them appear, common decency would demand that you at least attend their funeral.

I create make-engraver to make life simpler (issue 2332) and your response is basically "nice, but pretty much worthless as along as issue 1902 and more is around". I solve issue 1902, and there is nothing. Not even an "I'll try it once I have time". That looks pretty much like "if you can't say anything negative, don't say anything at all".

I appreciate all the work you put into LilyPond, but sometimes even small things can make so much of a difference that it is inefficient to omit them. And on the internet, nobody sees whether you are faking them, anyway.

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