On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:41 PM, Colin Hall wrote:

Hi All,

Thanks once again to all of you for volunteering to help the bug squad
verify new Lilypond releases on MacOS X.

We have a new release which includes a candidate fix for Issue 2338,
the only remaining critical issue prior to the 2.16.0 release.


Please download 2.15.32 for your platform and check that it launches
ok. If you have a lilypond file you can run through it, even better.

OSX 10.4.11 on PPC:
Lily 2.15.32 app opens fine, and compiled a file with several includes. No
problems for that part of it.

However, my score had a construction similar to:

\version "2.15.32"
\score {
        \new Staff { a''4~ a''2.\fermata }

In this case, the fermata collides with the tie. Is that a known issue?

James Worlton

bug-lilypond mailing list

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