On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 02:50:41PM +0000, Colin Hall wrote:
> Hi All,
> You may have seen the announcement that version 2.15.34 of Lilypond has been 
> released. It would be great to hear if it works for you on your respective 
> platforms so that I can update the table below.
> I'll post updates as they come in.

I've heard from at least one tester on each MacOS X platform now. Thanks very 
much to all the users for downloading and checking the new release.

As with the previous development release we found that Lilypond 2.15.34 works 
on some commonly used MacOS X releases from 10.4.11 onwards with the exception 
of MacOS X 10.4.11 on x86 hardware.

| MacOS X | x86/ppc | User               | Launches and compiles |
| version |         |                    | on 2.15.34            |
| 10.4.11 | ppc     | Ole Schmidt        | Yes                   |
|         |         | Valentin Villenave |                       |
|         |         | James Worlton      |                       |
| 10.4.11 | x86     | Klaus Foehl        | No                    |
|  10.5.8 | ppc     | Stan Sanderson     | Yes                   |
|  10.5.8 | x86     | Stan Sanderson     | Yes                   |
|  10.6.8 | x86     | Ole Schmidt        | Yes                   |
|         |         | Tim McNamara       |                       |
|  10.7.3 | x86     | Eric Schissel      |                       |
|         |         | Hans Aikema        | Yes                   |
|         |         | Brian Alliford     | Yes                   |
|         |         | Phillipe           |                       |
|         |         | Hans Aberg         | Yes                   |



Colin Hall

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