David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:
>> Arnold <arnold.we...@siemens.com> writes:
>>>> I'm not top posting.
>>> Hello, the trill note head (resp. pitch) of a pitchedTrill is no longer 
>>> transposed (as in 2.14.2).
>>> Tested on a Win7/64 Computer.
>>> \version "2.15.36"
>>> { \transpose c as' { \pitchedTrill e'4\startTrillSpan fis'
>>> r\stopTrillSpan } }
>> New issue 2484
>> Patch: Let pitched trills in articulations be transposed as well
>> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2484
>> It turns out that the example file
>> \version "2.15.34"
>> \new Voice
>> { \transpose c as' { \pitchedTrill e'4\startTrillSpan fis' r\stopTrillSpan }
>>                    { \pitchedTrill e'4\startTrillSpan fis' r\stopTrillSpan }
>> }
>> still gives a strange result with the fix applied: the first trill pitch
>> gets an explicit natural accidental even though this would be part of
>> the surrounding key signature.  Removing \pitchedTrill, \startTrillSpan,
>> and \stopTrillSpan does not result in similar spurious accidentals, so
>> it would appear to be an artifact of the pitched trill code.
>> This is a separate issue, however, and in contrast to your issue not
>> likely a regression.
> And not related to transposition:
> \version "2.15.34"
> \new Voice
> { \pitchedTrill c''4\startTrillSpan d'' r\stopTrillSpan }
> is sufficient for getting an unneeded natural here.  Huh.


The question

    "What does Gardner Read have to say about pitched trills for natural
     notes, if anything?"

has not been addressed as far as I can see.

David Kastrup

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