The documentation at for both automatic and manual footnotes says that the \footnote command must come *before* the grob to which the footnote is being attached. This doesn't seem to be the case. Here the \footnote commands are after the notes to which they are attached, and they work fine:

\version "2.15.37"

\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "a7")

\header {
        tagline = ##f

\relative c'' {
c4 c-\footnote #'(0.7 . 2) #'NoteHead \markup\teeny { Automatic footnote } c c-\footnote "a)" #'(0.7 . 2) #'NoteHead \markup\teeny { \concat { \lower #0.8 \super { a) } "Manual footnote" } }

<<attachment: test.png>>

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