James Harkins wrote Friday, September 28, 2012 8:08 AM

> The beams on the two e's are omitted in this tiny example (version 2.15.36).
> \relative c' { r8 \hideNotes f8 \unHideNotes e8. e16 e2 }
> The beams are *not* omitted in this tiny example.
> \relative c' { r4 e8. e16 e2 }
> I realize this isn't latest stable -- I'm in the middle of a project and 
> wanted to avoid upgrades unless there was a good reason (like a bugfix).
> Could someone confirm whether this is or isn't still an issue? If it's fixed 
> in 2.16, then I'll upgrade.

No, it's not fixed in the latest 2.16 or 2.17 releases.  It's a serious bug
caused by the way automatic beams are implemented.

A workaround is to manually beam the two e's:

\relative c' { r8 \hideNotes f8 \unHideNotes e8.[ e16] e2 }

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