
On 14 October 2012 21:09, Songmuh Jong <song...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I'm not top posting.
> % duplicated tempo printed
> % key signature appearsduped
> % This only happens when the bass starts with \appoggiatura
> \version "2.14.2"
> upper = \relative c' {
>         \key g \major
>         \time 4/4
>         \clef treble
>         r2_\markup{ \italic \bold \tiny "marcato" } \appoggiatura cis8-2 d2-3
> }
> lower = \relative c {
>         \key g \major
>         \clef bass
>         \appoggiatura cis8-2 d2-1 r2
> }
> \book {
>     \score {
>         \new PianoStaff  <<
>                 \context Staff = "upper"  {
>                         \upper
>                 }
>                 \context Staff = "lower"  {
>                         \lower
>                 }
>         >>
>         \layout { }
>     }
> }

You should at least use current stable (2.16).

This is what I get when I use that and your example.

I cannot see for example where your 'tempo' mark is as you are not using \tempo.

Anyway, Is the same as what you are getting?


<<attachment: 2_16_example.png>>

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