Colin Hall <> writes:

> On Tue, Jan 01, 2013 at 10:27:13AM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
>> > as a simple user I wish only to know which numbers I may use with the
>> > function ly:make-moment (to define the property measurePosition ) -
>> > without running into problemsof any kind!
>> Two integers (for numerator and denominator of a main moment fraction),
>> or four integers (the same with grace timing), or one rational (for the
>> main moment) or two rationals (for main and grace moment).
>> If you think that two integers and two rationals can't be told apart,
>> you'd be right, but denominators are always positive and grace timings
>> are always non-positive.
>> So basically everything that you'd think should work with ly:make-moment
>> will.  I'd prefer using rationals myself.
> I'm posting so that the bug squad can see this has been dealt with.
> A tracker has been created for this issue:

The tracker is actually for a different problem.  The above only talks
about the possibilities of calling ly:make-moment, a function that is in
my book adequately covered in the Internals Reference.  But that's only
tangentially related to the issue.

David Kastrup

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