Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com> writes:

> 2013/1/4 Eluze <elu...@gmail.com>
>> Yevgeny Lezhnin wrote
>> > When I trying to change TabStaff.minimumFret to 3 there is 0 fret for
>> > all notes, that can be on 0 fret.
>> see the NR:
>> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.17/Documentation/notation/common-notation-for-fretted-strings
>> Even when minimumFret is set, open strings are used whenever possible. This
>> behaviour can be changed by setting restrainOpenStrings to #t
> I've been wondering for a while why restrainOpenStrings is set to #f by
> default.
> Most of the times users expect not to have open strings when they set
> minimumFret. IMO open strings should be restrained by default when
> minimumFret is set.
> I've skimmed through issue 2348 but I couldn't find any discussion on this
> matter.
> What do you think about it?

I disagree.  When I am playing in seventh position and am _not_ using a
barre, I _very_ definitely don't want frets below the seventh _except_
for empty strings.

Very typical would be the three-voiced passages of lute/guitar versions
of the prelude in BWV1006.  Those are fingered in rather high frets, but
with the high E string being played empty all the while.

It might conceivably make sense to have a more specific interface: one
allowing to specify _which_ strings are allowed empty.  It is unusual
(though not unheard of) to use an empty string in the _middle_ of played
strings in high positions: usually this is done on an exposed string
either above or below (like with a half-barre) the fingered strings.

David Kastrup

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