César del Pino <cesar.pino.gonzalez+lilyp...@gmail.com> writes:

>> I'm not top posting.
> % contextStringTunning separates abnormaly two first lines.
> \version "2.14.1"

I think that's
<URL:http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1828> and it
should no longer be an issue with the (changed) interface that LilyPond
uses in version 2.16.

> <<
>  % separation between lines 1-2 NOT EQUALS 2-3 lines
>  \new TabStaff {     

I think if you write \new TabVoice here instead, the problem might go
away.  But I don't fully remember the involved details of the problem.
Upgrading to 2.16 might be easier.  Use convert-ly to upgrade your code
to the new interface, or reread the respective manual section.

>    \set TabStaff.instrumentName = "Not OK"
>    \contextStringTuning #'bandurria-tuning <aes' des' ges' b' e'' a''>
>    \notes
>  }

David Kastrup

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