Eluze <elu...@gmail.com> writes:

> thanks for your speedy answer (I guess I will never understand this code -
> *@@ (lily) * - but since it works …)

It is just a shorthand for "Take the following variable from the lily
module and never mind that it is not actually a public variable".

> taking http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=394 which also loads a
> list/library - do you think it should be changed, too?

Possibly.  Again, if there really is an actual need for that kind of
thing, there should be a proper interface rather than poking the
internals with a stick.

> now my real concern is: how can I simply put all these items into a
> file (I don't really need a display of the list)

display has an optional port argument.

David Kastrup

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