Another minimal example from

\paper { indent = 0\mm
  line-width = 41\mm
  ragged-right = ##f }
\score { << \new Staff { g1_"retaliate" }
     \new Staff << { e''4 e''' r2 } \\ e'1 >> >> }

  \override DynamicTextSpanner #'skyline-horizontal-padding = #0.5

------- Forwarded message -------
From: "" <>

I suggest that you set the defaults consistently for all text grobs, so
that I don't have to file bug reports one-at-a-time for every possible

They're different beasts - we need to figure out what is the best value for 
each one given its habitual size and content. Bigger grobs should get bigger 
default values. I'd like to raise separate issues for different families. For 
example, text spanner and dynamic next spanner make sense together in the same 
patch with the same default vale, but not text script and metronome mark.

<<attachment: blech.png>>

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