In the docs on the web it is not obvious, especially to new users, which 
version of LilyPond any given page is for.  This is particularly a problem when 
landing on a doc page directly from a web search or link.

For example, a new user does a web search that takes them directly to an old 
docs page like this:

The only clue they have that they are not looking at the current docs is the 
"2.14" in the URL (which they will probably not notice), and the tiny text 
"This page is for LilyPond-2.14.2 (stable-branch)." that is not visible until 
you scroll all the way down a long page.  


A simple thing would be to put the version number of LilyPond somewhere at the 
top of every web page.  For example, it could go at the top of the left hand 
column.  Where it says "LilyPond - Notation Reference" it could say "LilyPond 
2.14 - Notation Reference" instead.  

To make it more obvious, you could have "LilyPond 2.14" in a larger font size 
on its own line, with "Notation Reference" on the next line.

Optionally, to take this a step further, a clear message could appear at the 
top of each page in older versions of the docs that says something like "NOTE: 
This documentation is *not* for the most recent version of LilyPond.  We 
recommend using the most recent version which is documented here."  With links 
to the current version of LilyPond and the docs.
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