On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Hans Aberg <haber...@telia.com> wrote:

> The "articulate.ly" file (tried with LilyPond 2.16.0) cannot handle
> \prall applied to a 16th note, as in the example below, which is used in
> Balkan music. In the example below, the first 4th note indicates this use,
> and the second the expansion I would prefer: just ignore moving back to the
> ornament main note. Currently, it squeezes an 8th note in, with the error
> "programming error: Going back in MIDI time".
> ----
> \include "articulate.ly"
> music = <<
>   \new Staff {
>   \tempo 4 = 120
>   \time 2/4
>     \relative c' {
>       d16 c\prall b a  d16 c32 d b16 a |
>     }
>   }
> >>
> \score {
>   \music
>         \layout {}
> }
> \score {
>   \unfoldRepeats \articulate \music
>         \midi {}
> }
> ----

I do not like to do this, but I'm going to have to ask someone else on the
bug list to evaluate this. I cannot distinguish what's going on in the midi
file to tell whether midi is behaving the way Hans Aberg says, nor do I
know exactly how articulate.ly is supposed to behave. It does appear to me
that \prall, if it's behaving the way Hans Aberg says it is, is behaving
the way I would expect an upper pralltriller, or upper mordent, to behave.
Is Hans Aberg requesting a new feature?

Would someone else on the bug list please take over this report?

Thank you,

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