On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Jürgen Spiekermann <
juergen.spiekerm...@t-online.de> wrote:

> > I'm not top posting.
> Hello,
> the following example shows two staffs with a Text between the staff:
> \version "2.16.2"
> \paper {
>         #(set-paper-size "a5")
>     print-page-number = ##f
>         ragged-right = ##f
>     ragged-last-bottom = ##t
>     ragged-bottom = ##t
> }
> \layout {
>         indent = 0.0\cm
> }
>         <<
>         \new ChordNames{ \germanChords \chordmode{ \germanChords f1 c1 c1
> f1} }
>         \relative c' {
>                 \time 4/4
>                 \key f \major
>                 f4 f f f g e c2 g'4 g f g a2 f2
>         }
>         \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1." Chris -- tus lädt uns al -- le
> ein, wir
> sind sei -- ne Gäs -- te. }
>         >>
>         \markup{\bold "Zwischenvers"}
>         <<
>         \new ChordNames{ \germanChords \chordmode{ \germanChords g1:7 c1
> g1:7 c1  } }
>         \relative c' {
>                 \time 4/4
>                 \key f \major
>                 g'4 g a b c2 a g4 a g f e2 d \bar "|."
>         }
>         \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1.-2." Seg -- ne, was wir ge -- ben,
> seg -- ne
> un -- ser Le -- ben! }
> >>
> The second staff is printed with huge space between Text and staff.
> Ist this a bug? It does not happen without \addlyrics

Greetings, Jürgen Spiekermann -

This appears to be a bug, or at least ugly behavior. Thank you for your
report. A tracker has been issued as Issue 3464 :

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