gabriele balducci <> writes:

> hello,
>   >> I've tried that but see a new error while generating documentation:
>   >>
>   >>
> /scratch/wip/lilypond-devel/work/lilypond-2.17.24/out/share/lilypond/current/ly/
> error: syntax error, unexpected REAL
>   >>   <
>   >>    c e gis>1-\markup { "+" }
>   >
>   > Nothing there with the slightest similarity to a REAL.  Perhaps remnants
>   > from a compilation eith different tools: try make clean.
> thomas:
>   > Also, I've heard from another person who saw this same issue and had
>   > found my email in a search engine.
> It's probably me.
> After emailing to thomas, I have done some more investigation and all
> seems to point (again) to bison-3.0
> Building 2.17.25.
> If I use bison-2.7.1 (everything else unchanged) I can build just fine.
> Switching to bison-3.0 produces the above error (same result with
> lilypond-2.17.2[345])

I've just installed a version of bison-3.0 in a temporary directory and
used that for compilation.  No problem whatsoever.  Huh.

And does start with

/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.  */

/* Bison implementation for Yacc-like parsers in C

   Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


So this can't be _all_ that's involved.  Maybe your Bison binary is

David Kastrup

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