Le 29/11/2013 22:53, Nigel Kench a écrit :

Good evening, I found an error in the syntax of a Snippet for the following
section of the manual:

I just would like to mention another Snippet bug (which lasts for long, it was already present in 2.16, 2.14, and maybe even before...).

Snippet : "Positioning segno and coda (with line break)", which contains some examples (all but one commented out, because only one at a time is supposed to be uncommented).
Here below is the extract :

    % Here begins the trickery!
% \cadenzaOn will suppress the bar count and \stopStaff removes the staff lines.
        % Some examples of possible text-displays

        % text line-aligned
        % ==================
        % Move text to the desired position
        % \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'( 2 . -3.5 )
        % | <>^\markup { D.S. al Coda } }

If you look at the last line above, you'll notice that braces are not balanced. If you were to uncomment this example case, you'll get an error.


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