Having a look at the Changes page referenced by Federico I wanted to experiment with the example for the new NullVoice.

I thought it might be useful to add a different kind of example with a different rhythm for visible notes and lyrics.

However I noticed a behaviour I wouldn't have expected:

Try out the following snippet:

soprano = \relative c' { c e g c }
verse = \lyricmode { This is my song }

\score {
  \new Staff <<
     { \oneVoice r4. r4 r4. }
    \new NullVoice = "aligner" \soprano
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "aligner" \verse
  \layout {}

The rests are placed wrongly, obviously avoiding _something_.

If you comment out the NullVoice the rests are placed correctly.
If you uncomment the \soprano they are also placed correctly (but differently).

Is this intended behaviour?


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