On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 5:48 AM, Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think that a user would expect to see the most commonly used chords, i.e.
> the chords in first position (without barré).
> Shouldn't the b:7 be written explicitly instead of deriving it from the
> bes:7 shape?
> \version "2.17.97"
> \storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table
>                         \chordmode { b:7 }
>                         #guitar-tuning
>                         #"x;2-2;1-1;2-3;o;2-4;"
> myChords = \chordmode {
>   b:7
> }
> <<
>   \new ChordNames { \myChords }
>   \new FretBoards { \myChords }
> >>

Greetings, Federico. Are you asking for an enhancement?

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