Thank you, Federico. Changing your code to

        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility =
        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT

worked for me. Is this considered a best practice? It would be nice to have
an easy, consistent method for labeling repeats without having to worry
about which line they are going to end up on.

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Federico Bruni <> wrote:

> 2014-05-01 20:27 GMT+02:00 David Morawski <>:
>> > I'm not top posting.
>> Hello,
>> I'm having trouble putting text above repeat signs, specifically when the
>> :|
>> symbol precedes a linebreak. In the following example, the text ("3x")
>> that
>> should belong to the first :| gets pushed on top of the |: of the next
>> volta
>> repeat.
>> \version "2.14.2"
>> \score {
>>     \new DrumStaff {
>>         \time 3/4
>>         \repeat volta 3 { \drummode { \repeat unfold 24 bd4 } }\mark
>> \markup
>> {"3x"}
>>         \repeat volta 3 { \drummode { \repeat unfold 24 bd4 } }\mark
>> \markup
>> {"3x"}
>>     }
>>     \header {
>>         piece = "Prelude."
>>     }
>> }
>> Screenshot here:
> You can use the following overrides:
>  \score {
>   \new DrumStaff {
>     \time 3/4
>     \repeat volta 3 { \drummode { \repeat unfold 24 bd4 } }
>     \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility =
> #end-of-line-visible
>     \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
>     \mark \markup {"3x"}
>     \repeat volta 3 { \drummode { \repeat unfold 24 bd4 } }\mark \markup
>     {"3x"}
>   }
>   \header {
>     piece = "Prelude."
>   }
> }
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