No problem! Just did that. 

     On Monday, 22 June 2015, 14:14, James <> wrote:

 Just to correct Simon ...

On 22/06/15 13:04, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> Would you mind writing this as a comment into the issue tracker
> yourself? You only need any account with google to log in. 

No, you only need an email account (any email account) that you have
configured to login with

I only mention this because some people do not want to have a Google
email account or set up yet another Email account just to use LilyPond's


> Else I can do it.
> Yours, Simon
> Am 22.06.2015 um 13:46 schrieb Miguel Jesus:
>> I was looking into the bug again and noticed something. If we include
>> a note before that code the problem doesn't appear
>> mus =  \relative {
>>  b1
>> b'1\>
>> 1\<
>> 1\>
>> 1\!
>> }
>> \score {
>>  \new Staff \partcombine \mus \mus
>> }
>> However, if we write a second voice that does a different thing the
>> problem appears again.
>> mus =  \relative {
>>  b1
>>  b'1\>
>>  1\<
>>  1\>
>>  1\!
>> }
>> musTwo =  \relative {
>>  b1
>>  b'1\>
>>  1\<
>>  R1*2\!
>> }
>> \score {
>>    \new Staff \partcombine \mus \musTwo
>> }
>> On Friday, 19 June 2015, 10:29, Miguel Jesus
>> <> wrote:
>> Thank you, Simon. Next time I'll have a little more patience before I
>> report a bug.
>> On Wednesday, 17 June 2015, 15:46, Simon Albrecht
>> <> wrote:
>> Hello Miguel,
>> Am 17.06.2015 um 14:14 schrieb Miguel Jesus:
>> > I'm having a problem with \partcombine (I'm sorry for the long
>> examples but
>> > this is the code I'm working with right now). With this code the
>> voices
>> > aren't combined properly:
>> >
>> [snip]
>> > At first I thought it had to do with the spacer rests but even
>> without them
>> > the problem remains. The output is right if I remove the crescendos
>> and
>> > diminuendos.
>> Normally the answer would have been: please come back with a tiny
>> example as described in <>.
>> I have been too polite and created one, which you should take as a model
>> for future reports:
>> \version "2.19.20"
>> mus =  \relative {
>>  b'1\>
>>  1\<
>>  1
>>  % comment or uncomment to trigger bug
>>  \>
>>  1\!
>> }
>> \score {
>>    \new Staff \partcombine \mus \mus
>> }
>> % end snippet
>> This has been submitted as Issue 4454
>> <>.
>> Yours, Simon
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