James Lowe wrote Sunday, August 23, 2015 5:58 PM

> Google Tracker will be 'read-only' on the 25th August. At the moment,
> as I understand it we are still 'transitioning' to a new tracker
> system for issues but Rietveld is still working as normal.

Preparations for using Allura are looking up.  Here's the timescale
for transitioning as far as can be determined ATM.

One of the problems which caused many of my imports to SF to fail
has been identified by Dave Brondsema as an incorrect permissions
setting, so now that is corrected I'm hopeful that imports will be
much more successful.

Our VM system at Savannah has also progressed.  Allura is now
installed.  Some problems remain: the certificate doesn't work
with the VM url so https access fails, and the verification
email doesn't appear to be sent.  No doubt there will be more
issues to resolve, but it looks much more promising than it did
last week.

I'll start to export the Issues DB from GC on Wed 26 Aug 2015,
so avoiding any problems on Tuesday while Google are fiddling
with the permissions.  This will take c. 35 hours.  I then need
to edit the Author field locally and re-import, which will take
another c. 35 hours.  To do this, I'll use the VM at Savannah if
it is ready; otherwise I'll use the system at SF.

So the earliest date at which we can hope to move all issue
activity to Allura is next week-end, 29/30 Aug.  If there are
further glitches or gotchas it will be later.



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