Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> Hello,
> the bare durations that can now be used to write notes with
> unspecified pitch don’t work as music function arguments:
> \version "2.19.32"
> \new DrumStaff \with {
>   \override StaffSymbol.line-count = 1
> } \new DrumVoice {
>   4 \slashedGrace 16 4
> }
> \relative {
>   r4 r8 c'' \appoggiatura 4 b2
> }
> – each yielding ‘error: wrong type for argument 1.  Expecting music,
> found 16’ or similar.
> David, is that intentional?

Quite so.  From

   • Isolated durations in music sequences now stand for unpitched
     notes.  This may be useful for specifying rhythms to music or
     scheme functions.

"Isolated durations in music sequences".  You can place { } to make a
sequence.  Telling different types of music function arguments apart is
tricky enough as it stands.

Would \tuplet 3/2 4 2 be a quarter triole followed by a half note, or a
half triole to be grouped in groups of quarter length?

David Kastrup

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