Dear Engineers,

When I write this message, I think I am writing to the best software developers 
in the world, or to those who are in the process of being one. I write to ask 
you a favor. I am a UMA PhD student and I study the use of formal and 
non-formal models in the software industry.

According to 9 investigations, UML is not being used as it should, but the 
developers use their own models, designed by them or by their companies. 
However, these investigations have not included professionals like you, so I 
want to ask you to help me by answering this survey:

I also ask you to send this survey to other developers that you know and 

Please help me, I promise that your contributions will be recognized in the 
publications that are possible, therefore, as an optional field I have included 
the name and email. My biggest goal is to unify all non-formal models to create 
a modeling language that is the heritage of the industry, built by all of us. 
If you want to know more, you can write to me at, or

bug-lilypond mailing list

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