On 4/4/20, Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At least it should be documented, probably as "known issues and warnings"

The two examples in NR seem clear:
use the same syntax as above [that is, with \new Lyrics below \new
Staff] and explicitly specify the position of the lyrics:

Alternatively, a two-step process may be used. First the Lyrics
context is declared (without any content) before the Staff and Voice
contexts, then the \lyricsto command is placed after the Voice
declaration it references by using \context, as follows:

Accordingly, your example could be written as:

musI = { c'4 d' s2 }
musII = { s2 e'4 f' }
lyr = \lyricmode { foo \set associatedVoice = "v2" bar buzz puh }

  \new Staff = "1" \new Voice = "v1" \musI
  \new Lyrics = "lyrics" {}
  \new Staff = "2" \new Voice = "v2" \musII
  \context Lyrics = "lyrics" \lyricsto "v1" \lyr

That being said, I certainly wouldn’t object to adding a @knownissues.


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