Am Dienstag, dem 12.10.2021 um 16:02 -0400 schrieb Jim Weisbin:
> I was under some pressure to get this working for a client, who was
> unfortunately on Mac OS Catalina. I tried importing xml files with
> many many different combinations of Lilypond and Frescobaldi. The
> only combination I could get to work was with Frescobaldi 3.1.2 and
> an "unofficial" build of Lilypond from this linkĀ 
> /releases/v2.20.0.build20200311175017
> (Fresocobaldi 3.1.3 also failed with errors).
> That combination "worked", but there were too many spurious details
> in the output, such as many "stems up" directives that should not
> have been there.
> In the end we were able to get things working on another computer
> running Mojave, with Frescobaldi 3.1.3 and an official build of
> Lilypond version 2.18. Later builds also failed to import musicxml
> files.
> In the end that combo seems to work, but completely fails to import
> lyrics, with no errors reported.
> I'm no Python expert, but I have done a bit of Python programming. I
> tried different versions of Python, but I can see that the Lilypond
> application has a Python executable built in. So does the system's
> Python ever come into play, and if so, why? Does Frescobaldi depend
> on it? Different versions of python on the system seemed to have no
> effect on the output errors.

Yes, official binaries come with a Python interpreter that should also
be used for the script. However, if you install LilyPond from MacPorts,
then it is probably going to use whatever Python is installed next to


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