When running lilypond on LY-input broken.ly (s. below), lilypond crashes with SIGSEGV and a temporary  file named like broken.midi.0123abcd remains.

The desired output would be a correct MIDI file without any note on/off events.

\version "2.22.0"
\score {
   \new voice {
      \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t
  \midi {}

I hope someone can fix it.

This is waht I found, the creation of a Midi_walker fails because the audio_column_ of audio_items such as the track name does not get initialized.


Johannes Feulner
Tel: +49 721 66995492 johannes.feul...@scorio.com

scorio WebMusic
Bonhoefferweg 3  76327 Pfinztal Germany
Inhaber Johannes Feulner

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