On 11/21/22 05:36, Silas S. Brown wrote:
% In 2/4 time, I want to write 4 bars rest
% followed by 2 minims (half-notes).
% The bar numbering comes out differently:

\version "2.22.2"
\relative c' {
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
\time 2/4 R2*4 c ^"This is bar 5" \break
d ^"I think this should be bar 6 but it is bar 9" }

% The problem goes away if I remember to
% write "c2" instead of "c" after the "R2*4".

Because the c is c2*4 because of Lily remembers the last duration and applies it to the next pitch or rest.  This saves typing in many cases. You must write c2 to reset the duration.



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