Le samedi 03 juin 2023 à 00:15 +0200, Heiko Schill a écrit :
> Good evening everyone,
> when compiling the attached document, in the first staff the clef change is
> ignored for the lower voice after moving the ottavation spanner to the
> voice context as suggested in the snippets-document. This seems to happen
> only if one or more notes are located between the "\ottava 0" and the
> "\clef bass" command (see the third staff which compiles correctly).
> In the default setup (second staff), the ottavation and clef change work
> correctly, but the ottavation is applied to all voices in the staff (as by
> design, but not intended here).
> The usage of several voices is not necessary: In a single voice example,
> the bug manifests irrespective of the presence of extra notes between the
> \ottava and \clef commands (see staffs 4 and 5).
> I noticed this behavior with version 2.24.0, but it is the same with
> version 2.24.1 and 2.25.5.

Thanks for the detailed report, and sorry for the delay in handling it. I've 
opened https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/6633

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