Follow-up Comment #2, sr #110501 (project m4):

[comment #1 comment #1:]
> Thanks for the report.  I am forwarding this request to the translation
project, since they are the source of these files.  Nothing that m4.git can do
about it, although the release project automatically picks up any changes made
by the translation project.  As such, I'm closing this, not because the
conversion is complete, but because the translation project does not use this
bug tracker.

Sorry but you are wrong.
That conversion is done by (g)libc code not gettext.
Gettext provides only set of tools allowing work on resources used to
automatically translate messages.

Look around. At the moment only few projects maintained mainly on are
still usimg .po files witth non-utf encodings which is really shame.

This is about KISS pronciple, and that conversion can be done despite what
translators are doing because attached patch only changes *encoding* not
actuall texts of the translations.
If it is possible to avoid loding encoding conversion tables becaiuse at the
moment EVERYTHING is using UTF-8 that should be done.


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