I'm using Cygwin and built the W32 version of Make with the
HAVE_CYGWIN_SHELL cpp symbol set.  I'm seeing two problems:

        o Quoted expressions in shell commands don't seem to translate
          across platforms.  In the SunOS5.6 and Cygwin versions of
          make 3.78.1, I could use the following:

                subdirs: $(DIRS)
                        if [ "x$(DIRS)" != x ]; then \
                                for dir in $(DIRS); do \
                                        (cd $$dir && $(MAKE)); \
                                done; \

          When I switched to 3.79 (built for W32), I had to change the
          double quotes to single quotes to avoid a shell error.

        o I cannot terminate a recursive make from bash.  Once the sub
          makes are started, C-c from the command line terminates the
          immediate make process, but secondary make continues.



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