We're trying to use the wildcard function in gnumake, and
find that it produces nothing.  The goal is to produce 
a list of the .o files that should be checked against all the
.f files in a directory, as directly from page 18 of the 3.77
manual (and as of some earlier versions of gnumake that worked).

"Making" with the attached Makefile in a directory with more
than a dozen .f files produces the following output:

% gnumake




The old syntax (from an earlier gnumake) we think omitted the
colon in the := assignment.  We tried that too with the same results.

Here's the Makefile.  Any thoughts for us?


John Lewis
---------------- cut here -------------
OBJECTS := $(patsubst %.f, %.o, $(wildcard *.f))

TESTOBJ := $(patsubst %.f,%.o,$(wildcard *.f))

        echo $($(wildcard *.f))
        echo $(wildcard *.f)
        echo $(TESTOBJ)
        echo $(OBJECTS)

John G. Lewis                           |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Technical Fellow                        |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Boeing Company                      |  tele:  (425) 865-3510        
Mail Code 7L-22                         |  fax :  (425) 865-2966    
P.O. Box 3707                           | 
Seattle WA 98124-2207                   |

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