Paul D. Smith wrote:

> %% [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>   ws> @F does not work (Linux Intel x86 only).
>   ws> (No problems on other platforms with the same or older make versions)
> Again, I find this very hard to believe.  Are you sure you're using GNU
> make on those other platforms?  I sincerely doubt it.  Run "make
> --version" to be sure.
>   ws> $(OBJECTS) : ../$$(@F:.o=.cxx)
> This syntax is not and has never been legal in GNU make.
> Some other versions of make, like Solaris make, support the $$@
> "feature", but GNU make has never done so.


I have made a patch for that on 31 July 1999.  FSF have received my
assignment since few months.  Did you said that my patch will go
directly to /dev/null ?  If not, you can fetch it from my home page or
directly from
Edouard G. Parmelan

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