%% Steven Hirshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  sh> The problem is that when I touch my Fortran source files (both *.f
  sh> and *.f90 files), ONLY the *.f files get remade when I run my
  sh> makefile (even though I have checked that "touch" is updating both
  sh> types of files).

Do the .f90 files get compiled the first time?

  sh> Now in my makefile I have a line

  sh> .SUFFIXES: .f90

  sh> to account for .f90 NOT being one of the native suffixes
  sh> recognized by make.

And, I assume, you also created a suffix rule for the .f90 files?  Just
declaring .f90 as a suffix isn't sufficient to have make rebuild them:
you also have to tell make how to compile a .f90 file.

  sh> Can you tell me what I may do to remedy this situation? Is my
  sh> "make" utility out of date or (more likely) is there something in
  sh> my makefile that needs to be fixed.

The latter, almost definitely.

In order to give more definitive answers I need to know the answers to
the above questions, plus see the suffix rule you created to build .f90

It would be ideal if you created a small makefile that had nothing in it
but what's necessary to show the problem (use touch or echo to emulate
the FORTRAN compiler).

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Find some GNU make tips at:
 http://www.gnu.org                      http://make.paulandlesley.org
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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