Dear support,

We have bought your CD-ROM "GNU Software for MS-Windows and MS-DOS".

Currently, I'm trying to port my Makefile written from NMake to GnuMake (V3.79.1.) using Windows NT system (and Windows 2000 later).

We have found the following troubles, and I suspect these are technical limitations. Please, could you confirm or infirm this, and how to workaround it.
        1/ Executing the given command:
                pl16cc -c -mdata-sec-.DSECT,mydata  -mfile-io -fcall-used-r0 -fcall-used-r1  -O0 -g3 -Wall -emul -ID:\palm16\include -I. -ID:\Philips\Idk\Shl\Include Main.c -o Main.o
           Causes the following message:
                make.exe: ***[Main.o] Error -1
           Although the same command executed directly under DOS prompt is OK.

        2/ When using a pathname or a filename exeeding 8.3 notation causes an error like file not found

Thank you for your help to workaround this.
Best regards.
                                   (  o o  )
Patrice BOYRON..............................................Philips Semiconductors Sophia SAS
SoC Senior SW Engineer..............................BU Mobile Com./BL Cellular Infrastructure
......................................................................505, Route des Lucioles
Phone :        +33 (0)4 92 96 12 82............................06560 Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis
Fax       :        +33 (0)4 92 96 12 72.......................................................FRANCE
Email   :        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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