Please do not send huge attachments like your GNU make binary or your
complete source code to the mailing list.  We do not have the resources
to debug your entire environment for you.

If you have a problem please reproduce it using the smallest makefile
that shows the behavior you are concerned about, and requiring only
simple tools, then send that.

Also please show an actual invocation of GNU make (exactly what you
typed) and the exact output errors that make generated; don't
paraphrase.  If make generates lots of output just show the parts that
fail and 10 or so lines of context around that.

Finally, questions about the GNU make port to Windows will often get
more knowledgeable responses if you send them to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
list, which is specifically for users of the Windows port.


 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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