There are a couple of bugs in the $(eval ...) memory handling which
might be related to this.

I suggest you first either build the latest CVS code or, if you don't
have the infrastructure for that (building from CVS requires that you
have autoconf, automake, etc. installed already--if you don't have a
Linux box, where these things are packaged for you, that can be a lot of
work), you can get patches to 3.80 code for these fixes.

The patches are attached to the (closed) bug reports; visit the GNU make
site at Savannah: and go to the
bug tracking page, then pick the "Fixed in Release" report, then choose
"CVS" as the release.  This will show you all the bugs that have been
fixed in CVS but not released yet.  There are a few about $(eval ...).

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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