(B  n>     After this, I use equipment read the firmware from the
(B  n> S75_V020_OPT_MCU, then compare it with I just use the 
(B  n> source files built one. I find they are different. I don't known why? 
(BWe can't help you with this, it has nothing to do with GNU make.
(B  n> The second  question is whether I can the use this make.exe to build
(B  n> it.By the way I don't known the version number of  make.exe.
(BYou can find the version of GNU make by running:
(B   make --version
(B  n> The third question is What is GUN?
(BCheck out http://www.gnu.org 
(B Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          Find some GNU make tips at:
(B http://www.gnu.org                      http://make.paulandlesley.org
(B "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
(BBug-make mailing list

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